1. When your relationships end, are you the instigator of the breakup or the recipient? In a weird way, both. I have this odd habit where, in order to mitigate the blame on my part, I drive my significant others nuts until they break up with me. =P
2. Do you save things from your ex, or get rid of them? If you save them, how? If you trash them, how? I don't save things on purpose but I don't like to throw quasi-valuable things away. From memories and pictures to clothes and gifts, I either still have them somewhere or I've given them to someone else. I'm pretty good at detaching items from bad memories if the item's good enough. ;)
3. Describe your favorite ex? I suppose my first boyfriend was probably my favorite. He was annoyingly religious at the time we dated but he was sweet to me and very thoughtful; we're friends to this day. Plus he had a prime dick for oral sex; it was just so suckable!
4. Do you consider a friend's ex off limits? It's never come to that in my life so I'm not sure. It definitely depends on the situation; it's not one of those things I can just say yes or no to.
5. Have you ever had sex with an ex? Why? Not after the breakup, no. I guess I've never had a clean enough breakup for that. Years after the flame went out with my aforementioned first, C, we almost had a moment but got interrupted - oh well!
6. If you had a choice between spending the rest of your life with your worst ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend or your high school nemesis, who would you choose? Definitely my "nemesis" because I've never had one! I know that's cheating but I'm sure if you let me think hard enough I'll remember someone with whom I shared a mutual hatred in high school. . . I just don't want to spend another second with that asshole G!
7. Would you ever create a YouTube video or a website celebrating your exes' flaws? I've been through some bad shit with some worse people and I have plenty of ammo for blackmail - pictures, videos, messenger conversations, call logs. . . But I would never do that to anyone; I'm not that kind of person.
Thanks again to ASM for this week's WW questions! And for reading my humble blog and sharing it with Hubman. :) As a small token of my appreciation, I found an image that reminded me both of ASM and her WW questions; enjoy!
And now for my first HNT per the request of Hubman - my apple bottom in the dirty bathroom mirror at L and M's house. I can't promise I'll post something half-nekkid every week but I'd definitely like to participate once in a while. :)

Especially since it's my first HNT, I'd love to hear your feedback!
And now for the moment I presume you've all been waiting for. . .
Early Wednesday morning, my roommate I and myself came in to some amaretto and orange-flavored ice and decided to head to the beach with our tasty treats. We found a nice spot to lay our stuff, stripped to our birthday suits in front of 15-20 late-night seamen, and made a mad dash for the shore. The water and wind were cold which made our skin prickly and turned our nipples into glass cutters.
Realizing how pleasurable the waves felt the last time I was at the beach, I'd taken my new vibrator, Ribs, with me in the water. I turned him on and he began to turn me on as the cold waves crashed roughly on my pelvis. After several orgasms of my own, I asked if I wanted to take a go.
"I can't. I'd want to stick it all the way in my pussy and it's not mine," she stuttered even though she's given me the opportunity to borrow her toys in the past.
"The ocean will wash it off and I know you're clean. Go ahead."
She stuck Ribs all the way in what I happen to know to be a thoroughly fucked but very tight pussy and, stepping closer to me, showed me how far he went. Using the darkness as an excuse for not being able to see, I reached between her thighs to feel the depth instead. She giggled. As we looked at each other, something in her eyes told me to press onward so I did. I thrust Ribs in and out of her wetness as she grabbed me tighter, scratching a little. Before I knew it the moment was over - but later that night she gave me a big, wet kiss for a bit of closure. :)
/ser infiel.
Wow, you posted a picture of your ass, gave me credit for inspiring you, and I get to comment first? Am I a lucky guy or what?
Very nice, I love a nice round ass and yours looks lovely :-)
Looking forward to future HNTs! If you ever get a little braver and post on the Other HNT, I'd love a hint as to which picture is you.
I love looking at your sexy, naked ass.
Beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
There's something special with dirty mirrors... There's something special with nude mirror shots...
This is very sexy, a great start of your HNT's. Hope you make this as a habit ;)
Happy belated Half Nekkid Thursday (well it's Saturday - I know...)
Hubman - :blush: You are too kind. ;) Consider yourselves hinted!
BW - Why thank you. Hehe. ;)
D2B - Happy half-nekkid Saturday it is! I'll try to make this more of a habit/priority since I've gotten so many lovely remarks thus far. Hehe. =D
It's nice to see a new blogger like yourself immediately dive into HNT. We are looking forward to seeing more from you!
Made you blush? I think it would take more than my comment to make you blush :-)
I have a request I'd rather not post here. Please e-mail me when you get the chance.
G&S - And I you - the whole lot of you, extended swinging family included. ;) I've been a reader for a long time so it's not too brazen or rash of a leap. :)
Hubman - Ok, I guess you're right. . .as far as the blogosphere goes. But trust me - compliments like that IRL make me blush madly!
thats a mighty fine ass....I can visualize two hands grabbing a handful of ass and pulling you close. very nice
bdenied - One of my favorite moves as well. J is quite tall so he has to bend down a bit to reach my lower buttocks - but it makes his desire all the more known and all the sexier! :)
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